
Tea Party Movements:Comment by Dr.Mike [Our American Cousin]

「サンアントニオ短信」の記事、Tea Party Movements に関連して、オバマの熱心な支持者である友人のMikeにMA州での上院補欠選での民主党候補の敗北についてどう考えるかを問合わせた。彼のOKを得て、その返信を原文のまま掲載。 皆様のコメントを歓迎します!!


Hallo Shoji. 

Good to hear from you.  Thanks for the pictures of Mikiko, beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl!


I don't know what you have heard about the "Tea Party" movement, but here's my view...


The basic premise of the 2009 Tea Party protesters is that there is some parallel between the British "oppression" of the American colonies in 1773--which caused The Boston Tea Party, the destruction of a shipment of tea--and the "oppression" of Americans by their current government.


To me, the parallel is simply laughable.  Of course, the original Boston Tea Party protesters were not really being oppressed either.  They simply were subjected to some taxes, which they considered unjust.  Today's protesters are reacting against their own imaginations, not against anything actually done by the Obama administration.


It's not clear who the "Tea Party" people are or what they want, except that each of them has an irrational fear of something.  At their protests (not very large crowds, actually), the signs are all different. 

Some of them protest against abortion (Obama has no control over any abortion policies).  Some of them protest against high taxes (so far, Obama has lowered taxes). 

Some of them protest against the government subsidizing of the big banks (this was done under the Bush administration). 

Some of them fear that the government will control health care (the proposed reform law would regulate the private insurance business, but would NOT establish a government-operated medical system). 

Some of them don't like Obama because he is half-black (some protest signs have used  the word "nigger" and other ugly racial stereotypes). 

Some Tea Party people claim that Obama should not be president because, according to them, he was not born in the United States (It's not clear what

is the basis for this claim because Obama's birth certificate and a newspaper report from a Honolulu newspaper support the fact that he was born in Hawaii; but some Tea Party people don't know that Hawaii is part of the United States; some Tea Party people also think that New Mexico is not part of the United States).

Many Tea Party protesters feel strongly that the Obama administration will prohibit them from owning and carrying guns (in fact, Obama supports gun ownership and signed a law that would allow carrying guns in national parks!!!!).

Many Tea Party people call Obama a Nazi, a Socialist, or a Communist (of course, it would be impossible to be all of these at the same time; and, of course, he is none of these things).


Part of the labeling problem is that we don't have any true Leftist parties in America--no Socialists, no Communists, so the Center party--the Democrats--are called Leftists because there simply is nobody to the Left of them.  We have two parties, one Centrist and one Conservative.  Therefore, if you are not a Conservative, you must be Socialist and/or Communist.  This is childish reasoning, but that's how some people think.


In short, Tea Party people are IGNORANT people who have a variety of grievances, and they choose to express all their ignorant fears in the form of protests against President Obama and his administration.


Personally, I continue to support President Obama, although his policies so far have been too consistent with those of President Bush (notably on conducting the two wars).  I would prefer a more liberal policy, but Obama has never been a liberal (in spite of what the Republicans say).  If you read his two autobiographical books and listen to his campaign speeches, you hear the voice of a socially conservative man who has always advocated centrist political policies. 


However, the most important thing is that he is very intelligent and very well informed on a wide range of issues.  He is smart enough to avoid doing things that are as tragically stupid as those done by Bush.  History will prove that Bush's stupid decisions on Iraq, Afghanistan, climate change, burning oil for energy, and banking deregulation truly "broke" not only the United States but the world.  Yes, the world is broken and it will not be repaired in our lifetime.


Maybe the Tea Party people understand that, at some level, but they are too ignorant and angry to understand how it is broken and who broke it.


Peace, brother.


Your friend,



Tea Party Movements [サンアントニオ短信]

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コメント 8

I Watanabe

Sarah Palinのdeath panelは、彼の記述に出てこないが、アメリカ社会で、幅を利かす、spin doctorという人たちを思い起こさせます。spinという言葉はこの場合分かりにくいが、要するに、自分に都合のいいように、相手の主張を捻じ曲げるということでしょうか。
Ignorant peopleという表現は、きつい。Peace, Dr.Mikeといいたくなるが、populistに扇動されている、といった方が、よいのじゃないかと思う。
さりとて、President Obamaの政策がをすべて良しとは、私はしたくない。
Peace, Gentlemen.
by I Watanabe (2010-01-30 08:43) 

I Watanabe

Peace, Gentlemen should be:
Peace, ladies and gentlemen.

My apologies.
by I Watanabe (2010-01-30 08:47) 

今井 鉄

それにしてもアメリカのリーダーの弁論のうまさには、いつも感心します。内容もさることながら、原稿も見ずに、観衆に視線を向けて堂々の弁論は日本の政治家も見習ってほしいものです。    今井 鉄
by 今井 鉄 (2010-01-30 10:30) 


by 村尾鐵男 (2010-01-30 14:05) 


by 村尾鐵男 (2010-01-30 20:35) 


Mikeの記事は彼の視点が色濃く反映されています。 例えばNo true leftist parties in the USであり、Tea party people is IGNORANTです。 私の記事には主張が無く、TeaPartyの紹介記事です。 この動きがどう展開するか、これにどう共和党がのるかには興味があります。 米国では知的水準の高い大学、芸術関係者に民主党支持者が多く、共和党支持者、特にBushを知的に見下す感じがあります。
違う話題ですが、Mikeの支持するオバマの昨日のバルテモアでの共和党議員に対しての 応答、一部見ましたが、見事でした。 誠に知的レベルの高い大統領です。 

ただ、一般大衆にはなかなか理解できず、彼らはMikeの言うLabelingに乗りやすいことも事実です。 無知な大衆とは言え、その投票無しには選挙に勝てないのも確かです。 そこでのTeaPartyの動きに注目しています。

by 大嶋邦夫 (2010-01-31 01:23) 


Dear Mike
Thank you very much for introducing me of various views among American people of what happen in Boston this time.

Is what they wanted an intension to turn the tide of Osama’s reform? It was reported this would make the passage of Obama’s health care plan through upper house more difficult. If he fails this time, he would lose his clout and influence over congress and American people. He will lose credibility and will not be able to continue his reform plans.

This will give a huge impact on the future course of people in the world. What will happen to Global worming issue? Especial what about the world without nuclear
weapon? I think that Obama’s election last year was a miracle which may not happen for years to come. The world will lose a great leader who was born by a chance of unbelievable rare possibility. I sincerely hope hope that the influence of Boston tea party this time will not be as big as that in 1773.
Sincerely Yours
T. Takayama
by t.takayama (2010-01-31 15:27) 


多くのCommentをお寄せ頂きました。Vielen Dank!
NHKニュースで2月4-6日のFirst National Tea Party ConventionでのSarah Palin の演説が放映されました。11月の中間選挙への影響はあるのでしょうか!?

by ぼくあずさ (2010-02-08 13:59) 



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